
Mark and I ready for Blades wedding

The first ring

The first ring

Dec. 7 2011

Dec. 7 2011
the bell of Victory!

Reading the plaque

Reading the plaque
Patients ring this bell on their last treatment.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Remember the look Barney( Andy Griffith show) would get when he was scared? HA! That's the look I woke up with this morning (a few hrs ago). I have another appt. at hospital with Nurse Debbie. I think that she is a social worker as well because when she called yesterday, she sounded like she was asking me if I was ok but not asking me. I felt like she was 'feeling' me out to see which hat she would wear when she sits down with me. I considered sounding really flaky so she would maybe recommend some good drugs to 'calm' me down (old drug habits die hard-help me Jesus). Of course I kept it together and said that I am fine and blah blah blah. Oh my, I am really not in control of any of this and guess what?  I NEVER HAVE BEEN!  She said I am/have stage 3A but the pamphlet Mark and I read last night  sounds like I am 3B. That should not have been what I read before going to sleep.Note to me; Only read God's word before going to sleep, DA!
I decided yesterday at 12:45 to go to the breast cancer support group that meets at...12:00......:(
I was on the phone alot and one call  was to make an appt to get my hair cut really short so it's not such a shock for my grandbabies when I sport the SET FREE look ;) I got a little emotional thinking of me getting my hair cut ...sniff. 
Psalms 118:17 is for me today.


Ms Kay said...

Julie, we will love you hair or no hair. You are still Julie the crazy, funny, compassionate person, we all love to be with. You will make it thru this with flying colors baby. Hope to see you today if not will be thre tomorrow. The people at the cancer clinic are great. I used to take Dad to Sletten and they were wonderful to him and me. Have a blessed day in the Lord. He is with you always. The joy of the Lord is your strength.

patti said...

I like Ms Kay's remark that "you will make it thru this with flying colors baby". Those are words to stand on. My prayer every day for you is to have courage, hope, and healing, and knowing you, you will add laughter.

Marty Eddleman said...

Good morning "Barney". Did you hear the devil run when you hit the floor this morning?

One of the hardest things for all of us when going through a situation like you are is ours and other peoples confessions. I was reading from Charles Capps book this morning and found this passage. It reminded me, as Gina said when she was little, "watchy me mouth'. There is so much power in our words and only if we will always speak God's Words. This is what God spoke to Charles.

"But for My Word to be effective, men must speak it, and that creative power will come forth performing that which is spoken in faith.

My Word is not void of power.

My people are void of speech. They hear the world and speak as the world speaks. By observing circumstances they have lost sight of My Word. They even speak that which the enemy says, and they destroy their own inheritance by corrupt communication of fear and unbelief.

No Word of Mine is void of power, only powerless when it is unspoken.

As there is creative power in My spoken Word, so is there evil power present in the words of the enemy to affect and oppress everyone that speaks them."

I don't mean to be preaching but we all need to hear this often, more so, when we are going through a battle.

We are speaking faith filled, Holy Spirit powered God Words over you. 'No weapon formed against Julie shall prosper' Glory to God!

Southern Hugs come your way.

isabell said...

"No te precupas hijita. Sabe Dios lo que hara despues" I thought you needed to hear some words in spanish. I'm praying for you and my old Catholic beliefs still make me know there are miracles. Remember Karl when he was dying? His kidneys and liver had shut down and he was a day away from death. They were going to put him on dialysis the next day, but said he probably wouldn't make it. Suddenly a priest came in and everyone was all excited. They said he was the faith healer and asked me if I wanted him to pray over him. I figured, why not? He went with me into his room and told me his powers were from Medjugorje, the site where the Virgin Mary appeared to Mirjana Dragicevic-Solda in Bosnia-Herzegovina. So, he put a crucifix on his forehead (and heathen that I am, I thought to myself, "I hope it doesn't burn into his skin!" Too many scary movies when I was young I guess!) Anyway, I placed my hands on Karl, and as he was praying I could feel my hands tingling. I thought it was a little strange. When the priest left he said that was all he could do. The rest was up to God. After he left, I tried to find him and maybe give him a donation, but he had vanished. No one really knew where he had gone. I then went into the waiting room and laid down and suddenly started feeling really sick, and the thought kept going over and over in my mind that Karl was getting better. So, to make a long story short, when we got to the hospital the next morning, the kidney specialist came out and said it was very strange but his kidneys had started working again so he wouldn't need dialysis. From that day on, he got better and a week later he was able to stand up. All of this after the doctors had said there was a 97% chance he would die! That is why I believe in the old Catholic way and I know there are miraculous things that happen in our lives that can't be explained. I know you will be strong and you have much to live for. I have sent a petition to Medjugorje to help you along your journey - Love, Your Catholic Cousin, Isabell

Unknown said...

Good morning my silly friend. I absolutely love the words of encouragement you receive from Marty! What a hard post to follow..ha! However, I'm in total agreement about our spoken words and the power of the word of God! Here's one for you today...

Summer said...

I am amazed by the game telephone. The perspective that people take from hearing/reading the same thing. It used to be a great game and way to see that even though we should have heard the exact same thing we all took it different. I hope you are having a wonderful day Mama, I'm excited to see your new haircut and even more excited if you get eyebrow templates!

raquel said...

I know after your trim you will still be beautiful, because that beauty truly comes from within as you gave your time to helping others. I would not have had a good recovery after my heart attack if you had not come down those weeks to look after me, read to me scriptures (although I didn't retain anything) I've never told you this because, well, just because I couldn't give you a bigger head that you already had. Love you very much Julie and you are always on my mind.

Unknown said...

I love you so much Mama! You are so brave and do not worry about the Grandbabies. They will always know their Lala. Always. They adore you so much. I will see you tomorrow. Can't wait to see your new 'do! <3