
Mark and I ready for Blades wedding

The first ring

The first ring

Dec. 7 2011

Dec. 7 2011
the bell of Victory!

Reading the plaque

Reading the plaque
Patients ring this bell on their last treatment.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day after chemo

It went not so badly!  Blood work was good, am still a little anemic but Dr. M said that it is probably from the first chemo and surgery that I just went through.  Also, he said to take it easy on myself, the feeling of sadness that sweeps over me sometimes is also part of the package deal from all of the 'stuff' that my body has gone through. 
He checked my incision and said that I am healing nicely.  I really am feeling better and better every single day.  I am itching to get into the dirt and beat the tar out of some weeds that have invaded my hollyhocks!  No kidding, there are some weeds that are as tall as some of the plants.  I am not able to pull or carry things but I sure can cut stuff down with my pruning sheers!
My new chemo is called Taxol (I think that is the correct spelling)  it is not supposed to be as hard to take as the other concoction that I was given so I am encouraged by that.  Only fatigue is expected the doc said.  HOWEVER...some people have what is call infusion reaction or infusion something or other and what that means is basically it is an allergic reaction.  If I felt back pain or itching or difficulty breathing, I was to let them know so they could stop it  immediately. 
WHAT...seriously?  Of course my 'Joe Cool - I am strong like bull ' person said to him "ok, I will let the nurse know if I feel any of those".  Barney Fife was just about to jump out as I walked out of the dr. office.  
I asked for nurse Deanna practically the minute that I walked in the door and I got her!  She explained it all so kindly and I could feel my stress level come down so far that I hardly feel when she accessed my port practically pain free.( I said practically)
The only reaction that I had was that it knocked me on my butt!  I remember when Summer and Dominic came in but I don't even remember when Whitney got there.  I practically slept the whole time!  Nice!  I feel badly that I could not visit with my family.  I was higher than a kite!!!  I came home and slept all day and night.  
Today, I feel a little slow but not incoherent ;)  
How's that for answered prayer?  Thank you all and only 11 of these bad boys to go...they did say that some people can get this infusion reaction on the second or third round but not to worry about it. more thing on my prayer list not to worry about.  How awesome is our God?  The list is never too long for Him.
Today is a very busy day starting out with my support group and following that up with yet another dr. appt and physical therapy. Other stops that I will make but all is well here at the Meis house hold.  Oh yes, I will squeeze in a nap as well. 
Jeremiah 33:3  The Message
Call to me and I will answer you.  I will tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.


Anonymous said...

Good morning Julie...I love Jer.33:3, but I have never read it from the "message"! What an awesome and amazing promise is that?? You are such an amazing lady! God has given you such a gift of writing as you share your journey..I laugh, and cry and pray and praise!! Love you my friend.

Anonymous said...

I just read that same scripture and thought what awesome things he must be revealing to Doug now, as well as things he is revealing to me. Interesting that u would post it. Glad things went well. You have beautiful children and grandchildren! Janice W

Anonymous said...

Oh, your hat is wonderful! And so is your smile! Have a wonderful day. Love, Patti