morning of the surgery, spirits are high and her main concern was no make-up and no nail polish;) |
Wife and Mother |
true war buddies |
new hat to keep her warm Nurse Ruth called it a jiffy pop hat. |
I'm a little tea pot? I feel pretty? I'm not sure what was going through her mind |
getting the pregame run down |
"hey Mom are the drugs working?" |
"why yes, they are" |
waiting |
hugs and kisses before they took her, this was the most emotional part of our morning...dang it. |
Flashlight Kay |
updating Flashlights |
watching her progress from the waiting room |
sharing stories |
acting cool calm and we should |
...but not for very long. "where's my mother?!" |
there she is. sleeping sound and going to kill me when she sees this;) |
So, here is how incredible this day has gone. I arrived from Lewistown just after 6a.m and had a heads up from my sister Whitney where to go so I wouldn't have to text Dad or ask Mother specifics and give it away that I would be here. I walked in texting "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine" a minute later she text back "let it shine let it shine let it shine". I came into the waiting room and there sat my mother with Dads arms around checking her phone. This is important for you all to know so that you realize even if she does not respond to every text or answer every call she does get your messages and your prayers. Every single one of you are so important to our Mother. If she could she would call every single one of you and thank you and let you know herself. Every single one of you following her journey are important to all of us. Your prayers and your thoughts have kept her spirits up and all along we have heard how important that is in this journey.
So...we visit a bit and before we can get "comfortable" a super fast, super friendly, super tiny blonde escorts us to the back so that she can be prepped for the big seperation. Putting in the i.v (which most needle experiences thus far have been painful unless Deanna has done them) was smooth as could be.Ruth was exactly what we needed at the front lines of today. In fact Mom didn't feel a thing and you could almost hear a bit of the tension float out the room. The next hour passed pretty quick with a few chuckles and a few visitors. A couple of the Yaya's popped in, dabbed some oil on her and we prayed. I swore on my drive I wasn't going to be emotional I was going to be a rock for my Dad since he was going to be a big sobbing baby that I would have to tend to. I wasn't sobbing but I had a few hiccup catch my breaths that could have led to some tears. Anyway. We added some more laughter and through out our day Dad and I have done pretty good! Dr. Winslow joined the party and prepared himself with Mothers chart and asked if we had questions, ironed out some details ,like oh yeah it is a double, and then Mother asked "Are you going to pray?" Without a stutter of hesitation he assured her that we were and in a little room we joined hands. His assistant Amy took my hand and I took Colleens' who took Dads' who took the Docs' who took Mothers who took Amys'. I don't know why but this little circle was very important to me. He prayed for peace for Mother and for her family he prayed to guide his hands and calm our hearts. He thanked God for helping Mother in her recovery after the fact. He was grateful, humble, and confident. Then just like that he said "okay let's go". I was flashing pictures and trying to move out of the way and finally had my turn to hug and kiss my mother. This was a very very hard part. To watch someone take our mother willing into a painful situation and for Dad to watch his best friend go alone. I think he would have taken her place in a heartbeat.
Many God things have happened while this wonderful woman went through this. Pastor Rob stopped by and again we all joined hands only this time in a large waiting room with a few more flashlights. I noticed he didn't ask for a great recovery he thanked God for the great recovery already. He was also grateful, humble and confident. My family knows how to surround themselves with very cool people!
Now Mother is sleeping as sound as she can as nurses come in to drain this, check that, turn this gadget, check vitals and now have a shift change. They are really great here though. They have all really listened to her about the pain and as I listen to them talk about her they are very impressed with how good she looks compared to when she first got out. One nurse said "it seems that she has a really great support system and that is so important. She has a really great attitude too and I have seen some people in here go through less than her and not be near as happy." Way to go Mama!!! Way to go!
Please keep up the prayers Flashlights. I know as soon as she is feeling up to it she will update you on here. For tonight and tomorrow I think her and Dad will just need some rest. The word thus far is she will be home tomorrow afternoon. Also please add the Graefs to your prayers as they will be helping Mother and Dad through the recovery. Thank you thank you to all of you for all the help!!! YAYA!!!
p.s . It is important for me to share photos of this journey so that you can all see your prayers working and that she is still in great spirits and still positive and still holding her face to the light...if she can do it...;)
Thank you so much Summer for being SO amazing today (and always)... You have been on top of everything and made me not feel so helpless here waiting for news. Thanks for getting all the details, and keep myself and everyone posted. I will (hopefully) see you soon! Love you!
What an amazing and loving post! I hope I am half the daughter to my Mom that you are to yours!! Saying prayers for a restful and peaceful night for your Mama and for all of you as well. Muah! Shannon Hertzog & family
Julie (and family), You've been in my heart all day. May you all be surrounded by healing Light.
Dear, wonderful Julie. She is such a strong person. I pray for her every night and morning and appreciate the blog. Aunt Joy is also praying. She always has her rosary and sleeps with hers like I do - it gives me comfort (and also keeps the vampires away, or so I thought when I was little.) Sorry, I had to add some humor for Julia. I sure do love her and Rachel and if I could take away some of their pain, I would do it in a minute - Love and prayers, Isabell
Summer **thank you for the update. You are a amazing daughter and your mom is lucky to have two such wonderful daughters. Tell your mom I am still praying for her and wish I could have been there. Her mom and dad are her guardian angels.
The last post was from me/I still cant get this posting right even with all your help. **Fina
Thank you Summer for updating and for sharing the photos, Emmanuel and I have been praying and I thank the Lord that surgery went well. May the Lord wrap His healing arms around her as she recovers. we love her very much, we pray for strength for all of you especially your dad. You guys are such a loving family and with God you shall overcome this. We will continue praying for her, your dad and the Graefs. Love you guys. Hugs.
When I saw the pictures my tears finally came. After all the emotional upheavals going on - I am so thankful and grateful for everyone that was able to be there to help Mark out because she was so concerned for him. Praise God and all those flashlights that prayed for her recovery and strength.
Tears from here as well...of going thru struggles of our own, seeing these amazing pictures of our dear friend, and reading the words from Summer, emotions just flow. You are all going thru so much. Do you know that your words, your faith, your pictures, give such comfort to us...loving prayers and tender hugs to our dear, precious friends, Julie and Mark. Love, Patti and Tom
We've been talking to God and he's listening to all for our Julie and Mark. He won't let us down. Thank you for all the updates and pictures. Yes......... your mom will not like some of them but we love them because she's so special to all. Love to all..........George & Melanie
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