
Mark and I ready for Blades wedding

The first ring

The first ring

Dec. 7 2011

Dec. 7 2011
the bell of Victory!

Reading the plaque

Reading the plaque
Patients ring this bell on their last treatment.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I am Woman...

Happy Valentines day!  Today is the day!  Well, maybe this evening is or maybe tomorrow but I am one step closer to squaring off with one of my unrealistic fears....I am making cut out sugar cookies!!!!  I have only made them (or attempted to make them) once in all of my life.  It was a disaster!!! As I recall,  the making of the dough took way too long and I had a terrible time getting the dough out of the cookie cutter.  This year I bought a very pretty, bright red, heart shaped cookie thingy.   My life has been a little on the busy side so I did not get the cookies made before Valentines day.  I had grandiose plans of gifting my little treasures on this day but obviously I have found other things to do to keep me away from my fear of blogging when I have nothing of interest to share :)  See how this works....procrastinate long enough and I don't make Valentine cookies until next year.   However the dough is made and it was remarkably easy.  It is now in the refrigerator for 3 hours as per the recipe.  Let's see, that will be after my bedtime which is 10:00 and I still need to roll out the dough AND then cut them out AND bake them!  Way too late!  I DO need to take care of myself and get a good nights rest.  Yes, that excuse is perfect!

HEY!  Fruit pizza!  I use sugar cookie dough for that!  Easy peasy....or.....I could cut out Easter egg cookies :(
Maybe shamrocks for St. Patrick's long does cookie dough last in the frig?

A very peace filled day today.  Oh how I wish I could bottle my peace and share it.    God has given me another chance at this life and "live it" I must do!  So many hurting people and that burden is not for me to carry.  I need to lay all of this that scurries around in my head at the foot of the cross.  God is the only one that can do ALL things.  What a relief that is...

I need to go and ponder what I will do about the cookie dough that is calling out to me from the refrigerator.

Again, Happy Valentines day to you all!


Lala said...

My cookies turned out fabulous! Now the fun of decorating them :)
Facing this fear has been the death of the fear...Now on to my next one...Ain't no thing!!!

Anonymous said...

AND they were DELISH! :)