
Mark and I ready for Blades wedding

The first ring

The first ring

Dec. 7 2011

Dec. 7 2011
the bell of Victory!

Reading the plaque

Reading the plaque
Patients ring this bell on their last treatment.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Booster update and # 31coming up!

Wow! Can you believe it?!  This Thursday is my last day of radiation!!!  The booster has definitely been doing something to my skin....I am getting a boost of radiation on the whole left side (scar)  My under arm is very dry and my skin  feels like it wants to crack.  Mark and I keep applying aloe gel to the area and it seems to be working like magic.  I believe that the Lord has everything to do with this ;)  

Yesterday in the dressing room I met a lady with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and she was sharing with me that it looked like 'it' had returned.  We had a great visit until I realized that Mark had been waiting for me outside...oops.  I didn't rush her though.  We wished each other the best and blessed one another.  I did not even ask her name and she did not ask me mine...but we 'knew' one another. 

Mark and I have become mall-walkers after our radiation.  We had a huge laugh while we walked yesterday making it nearly impossible to walk for a few minutes.  Long story short....He turned one way and I turned the other and we slammed into eachother.  I felt my glasses crack a little at the same time that the base of my neck did.   I didn't think we were walking fast enough to cause much damage but I really did think that my glasses were going to slide right off of my face. It felt kind of like when you see people walk into a glass door....that is what I think my face looked like...squashed!!! HAhahahaha! 

Gotta go get ready for my microwaving.  Thanks for all your prayers! Thank God for laughter :)


Summer said...

i got the giggles all over again reading this and thinking of you and Dad running into each other. You are lucky he wasn't pointing at something or you may have had a face full of pit! Love you Mema! So glad this side track on your journey is nearly over!

WildWo said...

Wow, Julie, that's tomorrow! I'm so glad it's over! YAAAAAAAY! and Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

I can see and hear the two of you laughing!! Wow, what a year! What a woman! What a family! Love to you all,
Patti and Tom

Anonymous said...

oh man the walking story was funny! Ju ran over and she's old enough now that I can actually tell her the story like a regular person, and she thought it was hilarious! She has our same sick sense of humor where we laugh when people hurt themselves. Uh oh. :)

What a blessing I know you have been to these people who are fighting this demon we call Cancer.

You won mom. We are so proud of you. So excited to have you be finished with this. We love you!

<3 from the Graef Pack :)

Anonymous said...

It's always good to see your voice - it makes me feel hopeful. You've been through so much. "Lately it occurs to me What a long, strange trip it's been." (Grateful Dead) Love and miss you - Cousin Is.