
Mark and I ready for Blades wedding

The first ring

The first ring

Dec. 7 2011

Dec. 7 2011
the bell of Victory!

Reading the plaque

Reading the plaque
Patients ring this bell on their last treatment.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Break almost over!!!

So I went to dr. appts today and all went well.  I start radiation next Monday !  FOR REALS!  I thought that I had a month off or at least 2-3 weeks!  He wanted to start tomorrow but I said that I had plans to see my Lewistown grand babies...I got the tattoos that we  need for the radiation and only one of them was uncomfortable.  I got my own little card with a bar code on it so that I scan it when  I come in and take my place in line...moo, moo ;)  HA!  Dr. S said that very little of my left lung would get radiation and that sort of concerned me but he explained that they wanted to make sure that there were no stray cancer cells in my lung near where the tumor was.  Mark very calmly said " you have another lung"....I do believe that he was having an episode because he really did not SEEM to be saying it sarcastically!  I just cannot imagine that he would think that it is ok to fry one of my lungs!  I will be getting 33 treatments (if that is what they are called) and I think that I will be done with them around Thanksgiving.  What a Thanksgiving that will be!

I am a little tired right now but I think it is because my day started with a bang at 5 this morning when the air compressor started up.  Mark forgot to turn it off and it decided to kick in at that hour of the morning. 
I am looking forward to my visit in Lewistown and to catch up on a little R & R while I play with Autumn and Dominic.  Both Mark and I love to visit our family in Lewistown. 

Flashlights (and firefly), I need your prayers for the Lord to protect my lung and that I will not burn too badly from the radiation.  The dr. said that my arm pit will probably burn and peel and that I should expect to be tired...I feel greedy asking for the Lord to help me in this like He did the chemo because I feel like a spoiled child that wants more and more.  But that is what I am  asking burn and no fatigue :)
Greedy bugger....


Anonymous said...

So glad you are through with the chemo. Will pray for no burns and for healthy lungs! Stay strong. Prayers for you and Mark as always. Love, Patti

Anonymous said...

Lord knows you need both lungs so you can keep giving orders and controlling everything!! Will keep praying for no burns and healthy lungs..Love little buddie