
Mark and I ready for Blades wedding

The first ring

The first ring

Dec. 7 2011

Dec. 7 2011
the bell of Victory!

Reading the plaque

Reading the plaque
Patients ring this bell on their last treatment.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I flunked!

Well, almost exactly a month ago I blogged that I had a migraine and that the docs had said to notify them when another one blind sided me and last week was it!  I had labs on thursday for I am not sure what reason but they said I needed to give blood so I did....  The brain MRI was this morning at 7:45 and Mark and I were there bright and early.  I didn't feel that it was going to be any big deal because I had a couple of them  pre-mastectomy. (Remember when I had to have my mammary glands hanging in 2 slot thingys as I lay in the tube thingy?) Yeah, that time.

Anyway moving right along, I took my jewelry off and took out my 'flipper' (fake tooth) and since I had no bra on (no boobs remember?) they let me keep my clothes on. 
I recognized the 'tube of claustrophobia fame' but had no fear of it because I don't have claustrophobia!!
I laid on my back and they asked me if I would like to listen to music with a head set on because it is very loud and I said "yes please". "Which radio station? " she sweetly asked. Me: "K-LOVE please".

All seemed fine until they clipped a cage thing around my face...."No problem," I thought, "I will listen to lovely praise and worship music and my strong faith will get me through this in no time". Ahhhh, I will just close my eyes and relax.....

Bang, bang, bang, and clatter, clatter, clatter and lots of noise later, a scene from CSI  floated through my of the characters was buried alive in a coffin with a glass lid and the bad guy was watching him through a camera and the guy that was buried was losing his mind in there!!! 

OMG, what is wrong with my hands and why are these people singing praise and worship songs so loud in my ears and how do I wipe the sweat that is beading around my nostrils when I have this cage around my face!!!  I gotta get outta here! I was trying not to move because I did not want to do this over again since about 10 minutes had gone by. AND SOMEBODY PLEASE TURN THIS MUSIC OFF!!! Help me Jesus, help me Lord! HELP!!!! ANYBODY!!!!

LONNNNG story, I finally got out for a few seconds and they gave me a little ball that I could squeeze if I felt like I was gonna wig out again.   I wigged out one more time :(   I suck....
I felt so bad for these poor girls and they were so kind to me.  They said that if I had another MRI, I was a good candidate for an anti anxiety drug....I will take 2 please.  Better yet, knock me out cold.

I have never had anything like this happen to me and it was very unnerving but I noticed that the feeling of shame over rode all of the other emotions except for sheer terror of course. 
There is no shame in the truth and the truth is that I felt scared poopless!!!  Thank goodness THAT didn't happen because I have heard somewhere that sometimes humans lose control of their bowels if they are frightened! HA!!!! or drunk!!! HAhahahaha!

I told the MRI girl that I liked her but "I am NEVER coming back here again!!!!"

Wow, talk about humbling....I skulked out of there with my jewelry and my tooth in my hand.  Oh my, what a morning!  I will pretend that God planned it all to happen this way because I was so cocky going in....but could you have shown a little mercy God? 
Tomorrow is a new day! Tra la la.....
Have a good night all,  Barney Fife


Anonymous said...

Oh Julie, I had such a good laugh sitting here reading about your mind tripping!! It seems like all the stuff I lost in my memory bank the only stuff I remember is the crap too - scary - bizarre - etc. You look mawvelous 'darling'!!

Summer said...

BAHA!!! It was funnier the second time around! You Mother dear probably looked great the entire time you thought you were "losing it". I have never met another soul that has the ability to always look amazing even when in a straight up panic. I love your honesty. I love the picture I have in my head of you and Dad discussing it after. I love Dad for showing compassion and waiting until the time is right to laugh. Thanks for the hee haw:)