I sailed through # 4 chemo today except Nurse Deanna could not draw blood from my port which is not a big deal but she was a little puzzled because we tried all of the ''tricks".
I had made a couple of fruit pizza's last night and took one into the chemo staff! I must say that it was quite gorgeous! Lots of strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, and mandarin oranges ( they were the big flower in the middle)and raspberries. We ate the smaller of the two pizzas last night before bed and I polished off the left over sugar cookie dough. The spirit of Wild Woman was in the cockles of my mind but I kept ignoring her :) shoo fly don't bother me came to mind. Maybe she won't read this.....She did say I have choices...;)
ANYWAY, I woke up with a sugar headache and I could feel that I was a little puffier around my middle and face. Immediately I start plotting...hmmm, how can I NOT look like I gained weight this morning? I decided that my wig must weigh close to a pound, socks weigh something, long pants weigh a little more and I know!!!...NO JEWELRY ! Yep, you guessed it! I wore a hat, no wig and I took the hat off before I climbed on the scale. I would have stood there buck or butt (which is it anyway) naked if I could have. I gained half a pound :(
My shoes matched, I would have taken those off except that my big toe nails are gone and they look gross. My feet look like Hobbitt feet except no hair on the knuckles. Ugly.
I wish I could say that everyday is a wonderful day but I would be lying. There are days as of late that I feel a little fatigued and I have had some sores in my mouth. I have been gargling with soda/salt water and the sores are almost gone. The dr. asked me today if I have been feeling any tingling in my feet or hands and I have not. She was very happy to hear that. Nurse Deanna told me that people do lose their hair with the chemo that I am receiving but sometimes they don't.
I jumped on 'sometimes they don't'.
I am growing tired of putting something on my head but it is not a big deal and I certainly am not complaining because God has been so faithful and kind to me. I am at peace with my life but I tell you what, sometimes I have to read off a gratitude list because my human condition is very fickle and ungrateful. Forgive me Father.
Oh yes, my blood pressure is high this week so Mark and I really do need to start walking. He for his back and me for my bp. I also need to let go of things and people that I have no control over.
I have had a really good week and I wish that I could take the time to name all of the people that have blessed me with some random act of kindness or an encouraging word but the list would be way long.
Some highlights however were:
Wild Woman came in to Set Free and we had such an awesome visit...I felt like a weight had lifted off of my shoulders just by visiting with her.
Good visit with the COS (my crazy old sponsor from Lewistown). Almost 28 years ago she kept me sane and sober for just another 24 hrs.
Some really good belly laughs with my sister (the poser bad ass) and of course my two beautiful daughters that give their old mom a reason to keep fighting this disease.
AND guess what, I have almost perfect use of my left arm!
My physical therapist said that tomorrow will be my last visit with her!!! PTL!!!
1 John 5:14-15
It is because of all of your prayers! Thank you! Love you all and good night!
I used to call my mother and ask her how she was doing, she would respond "I'm still keeking", without her accent it would be "I'm still kicking". This is my story, my thoughts in the middle of the night when I am alone or the middle of the day surrounded by loved ones but still alone in my mind. You are only as sick as your biggest secret and I'm pretty sick(in more ways than one,tee hee!). So this blog is going to show you what goes on in the mind of a REAL Macho Woman! scarey.
Great read Mother! Great! I can relate to strategy dressing for a "weigh in" I did that ever time I ate all night while prego before a doc visit. Didn't want to let her in on my late night wonderfuls. You are doing amazing and so many people are being touched by your journey. You have so much strength but have also shown me that you are human and must not be put before God. You are however the strongest woman I know and I hope to become half as awesome as you;) Loved this post, loved it loved loved it! See you soon! Love you bye:)
Well Prima You are doing great and I am impressed that you are still being positive and looking at what you have to be grateful for like your beautiful daughters and their families. You still inspire me with your faith in God. Take Care **Fina
AS always, your words are healing and fun for me. Glad you had a good week, tho your struggles are there too but you keep your head high! Thinking of you. Love, Patti
WOW! I was doing fine until I got to the "my two beautiful daughters" part. Then broke down. Gah! I need to not read your blog until after Jonah comes :) I love you so much mom. I and ALL of your flashlights. We are always thinking about you, and praying for your strength and praising God for your courage and giving you a sense of humor through all. How blessed I am to be able to see and talk to you every day and watch my babies play with you. They love you SO very much. Proud. <3
Hey, Julie! Wanted to let you know I a thinking and praying for you! Got your page from "framer" in Lewistown. I want you to know I am right there with you! Cancer sucks, but we are strong women. Don't know if I will need chemo yet, more tests.....will know next week. But am doing well. "Faith, Family and Friends" mean a whole lot! Many prayers! Keek Cancer's Butt! Nikki
Oh, I read all your posts - wouldn't miss them. I just don't read them daily. You're right - we have choices. No one says we have to eat only healthy food all the time. I think it is all about what makes you happy. Long term happy vs. short term happy, you strike a balance and have fun with it.
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