
Mark and I ready for Blades wedding

The first ring

The first ring

Dec. 7 2011

Dec. 7 2011
the bell of Victory!

Reading the plaque

Reading the plaque
Patients ring this bell on their last treatment.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

July is here already!

Amazing how fast our lives get back to the way they were before THE crisis.  My breasts are just a memory and all that is left are two huge scars on my chest to remind me that I really did have boobs!  My clothes  fit totally differently and I don't think that anyone notices that I am flat chested except for the odd little pooch that my sternum makes under my blouses.  People ask me how I am and I say 'great'!  If  I'm not so great, I say 'good' but I put a phoney lilt in the way that I say it.  (Some things will never change)

I have continued going to the 'Our Journey' group and am enjoying it.  I have also started going to a meditation group and have found it to be one of the hardest things that I have ever tried to do.  I was a little leery of it at first because I am uncomfortable with 'woo woo' stuff but this is not like that at all.  I did not know how to quiet my mind and just focus on my breathing.  My mind races everywhere!  I finally got the hang of it and it is indeed quite relaxing. 

I have been staying very busy with all of the 'stuff' that I do but when I hit a wall, I sit down and rest....feels good.

I am working on letting others live their lives and live my own in peace and joy.  I find that nearly impossible especially when a loved one is suffering from their own issues. My friends and family mean everything to me and I forget that what they are going through is their own story or as I heard once...their own journey back to the Lord.  I feel a survivor guilt type of feeling when my life is on an even path and others are suffering.

For now, the biggy for me is keeping my thoughts as positive as I can and keeping my distance from negative people (and they are everywhere). 

I had blogged yesterday but when I saved it, it went "out there" somewhere.

I have had my 3 and 6 month check ups and they have been AOK!  God is good!
I have neuropathy in my feet and sometimes in my hands and little aches and pains here and there but hey...I'm alive ;) 
 Going to church and then dig in my flower beds and see what this day brings.  This is the day that the Lord has made, I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!